Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Earth Day

To save the Earth, we should:
- Have the lights turned off as much as possible.
- Walking as much as possible instead of using car.
- No AC or projectors in class.
- Taking very short showers.
- And the most important: REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE

Thursday, April 16, 2009

There are still pirates

Eleven Somali pirates captured by a French warship are being taken to Kenya for trial. The pirates will be tried under an agreement between the EU and Kenya. The Somalian prime minister said that pirates could only be defeated on land. They would always find ways to escape patrols.

Big Explosion

Two months ago, there was a big explosion in Kenya because of a truck carrying petrol exploded. More than a hundred and twenty-one people were killed and more got hurt. Near the town of Molo, the tanker crashed spilling petrol over the ground. The people hurried to gather it. The petrol caught alight and the tanker exploded.

Going to School
7:40, time to go to school for a long day of work. I go there with my mom who drives me everyday there through the streets of Hsinchu.
I am lucky because I go there in a car so I don't need to get up too early, and I go there with my mom who’s got enough time to drive me.

Every Tuesday and Friday, we got our humanities class. Like in every other class, we, strangely, use laptops. It is interesting, but the problem is that at the end you have so much homework. But it is only the first class in the day, still 3 to go.
The African kids don’t air conditioned class, and they definitely don’t use laptops, they don’t have enough money, they would rather use the money for food.

Sweet Home
I am finally back at home. Time to talk to my grandparents by the computer and also get a snack. I sometimes mess around with a tennis ball, also.
The people in Africa don’t have computers, they don’t eat snacks, and they do the chores instead of playing.

Homework, Cruel Homework
Most days, I have homework. Mostly humanities but also math and science. It is definitely the time I hate the most in the day.
I am even lucky for homework time, because I can use actual material, and after I am done with the homework I don’t have to do anything else, no watering the fields, etc...

Playing Time!
After finishing all my homework, I usually go play basketball with my best friend, or soccer with other people. This is my favorite moment of the day; I love sport!
I have a choice of doing what I want. I don’t have any obligations. When I am done with the work I do anything I want, like playing. I can play on a real field with an actual ball.

After all this, I have dinner around 7:00. We sometimes go to the restaurant, sometimes not. I still like my mom’s food the best.
The day I took this picture, I was at the restaurant. I don’t think Africans spend money on restaurants.

After getting washed, reading, and playing, it is time for me to go to bed. Unfortunately, I hate sleeping and my parent make me sleep at 9 o’clock.
The little Africans don’t get washed everyday, they have no books to read, and I think they go to bed much later than 9 because of their chores.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Culture in the Stories

Story #1
They have to leave the palace early to discover the world.
They believe that animals can always help you.

Story #2
It is not good to hit children even if it is usual there.
Their stories talk about daily lives.
They usually have morals.
You should always follow adults advice.

Story #3
There was magic in this story, the wizards, the magic honey, etc...
There was also two moral.
Laziness is bad.
making friends is important.