Saturday, October 17, 2009

Need For Speed Shift

OK, so I have this game in the title and unfortunately I got TOTALLY ADDICTED. Oh my god, it is so annoying, I almost can't think of anything except that. Even if I don't play a lot, like a few races per day, it is so fun! So bad Gordon is never here to stop my addiction...

I hate posters!

Oh my god! We have so many beeping posters due the 9th of November. Like the language arts, which should be huge, and the humanities, a bit smaller. But those teachers also gave us reports on the subject and everything. So much work!

Taipei Tournament

We did a tournament in Taipei, the third of October. It was pretty fun even if I almost didn't play. We finished 5th out of 7. There were four games. We lost the two first: 4-0 and 2-1, and we won the two last: 4-1 and 3-0. So sad.... I didn't even score. Anyway I played pretty well. So it was fun!